
"The purpose of art is not separate from the purpose of technology" -John Cage

Thursday, February 16, 2012


PROCESSING THE IMAGE: Alternative Visions 
(100 Points) DUE FEB. 23RD
(Video with statement should be posted to the blog.)

Assigned Reading for NEXT WEEK: ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY PDF (<<Click Here)

Your assignment is create a 2-3 min video with the use of any and all of the video effects within the video effects folder on Adobe Premiere. I want you to shoot your own footage that conceptual develops around the idea of seeing, being seen, and alternative ways of seeing. You are to experiment with layering various filters that ideally will push the boundaries of how you perceive the footage. It is in the layering of filters and the exploration of the possibilities where new ways of seeing can be found. You will loose points if you only use one effect "out of the box". I want you to modify, alter, layer, copy & paste, and play. A successful project will be one that is full of play. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. I then want you to write about how the filters you placed upon your footage and how they changed it. This will result in 2 paragraph statement that will factor into the grade. Ask yourself these questions: How does it change the content of your footage? Does it add anything or take away anything visually? Does the filter add any content of its own (The Medium is the Message)? If the visual effect was a metaphor what would it be?

Here is an example of what I would consider ample play.

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